domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

NC1: Domestic Violence Indicators

Domestic violence can take many forms. Physical and emotional abuses are the most common forms. Abuse can also be sexual. In all cases, there are tell–tale signals that can help us to identify potential victims of abuse. According to data collected by the INEC, the number of cases that entered the domestic violence courts, for every 100 households, increased from 1.9 in 1997 to 3.7 in 2007, the document also notes that rate of sexual offenses per 100,000 inhabitants rose from 58 in 1995 to 122 in 2005. Physical violence is considered as any action that causes non-accidental physical injuries, illnesses or risks. Children or other family members with frequent and recurrent bumps, bruises and broken bones can be potential victims of physical violence or neglect. Psychological violence which is any situation that attack or alter the emotional context necessary for a normal psychological development, such as rejections, insults, threats, humiliation or isolation. At this point the psychologist David Miers (2007) says that "violent behavior in people is based on the context in which each individual develops" and that everyone has learning by imitation. People that are extremely shy, with extreme volatile temper or mood swings, and that react always defensively against constructive critic, might be potential victims of psychological violence. Sexual violence is defined as any act designed to perform sexual acts against their will, whether painful or humiliating. The signals of potential abuse are similar to psychological abuse, plus questions that are unusual for the age regarding sexual behavior.
In conclusion is important to note that Costa Rica has several mechanisms for the protection of people who suffer some type of violence, such as INAMU, the Law of Domestic Violence (Law 7586), and the intervention of PANI in the case of minors involved and most importantly the reporting of victims as well as adequate protection for him.


6 comentarios:

  1. It is incredible the increase in domestic violence cases. I think it's very unfortunate that a person who supposedly loves another,can hit it without guilt. The number of cases could decrease significantly if the victims reported their attackers, breaking the barrier of fear, because only this way can be victorious in this crime.

  2. Wao! Currently aggressive world we live in but is incredible to see how more and more women are assaulted in their homes and it is important to mention that not only physical aggression is necessary to hurt, we appreciate the incredible psychological damage suffered by these people as this is making them stay in a submissive role to their attackers. So I call to report instances of violence since a person in a cycle of aggression is a person who suffers but does not have the courage to ask for help. So we help these people to take the first step ...

  3. Hi my dear Frankenstein!

    It is important you quote about that domestic violence is also the psychological violence that occurs not only against women, that happens against men, elderly and children. Violence manifests itself in many ways. Morbid jealousy is a basic form of violence that may eventually get to a murder.

    The domestic violence is very common In Costa Rica I think by macho society in which our culture is based. I believe that violence against women lies in the dependency and fear that women have towards their partner. It is a vicious cycle that ends with the death of many innocents.

  4. Hi!!!

    It is true that here in Costa Rica are some mechanisms to protect people from domestic violence, but there are not completely efficient. It is not new that domestic violence is increasing and we need to do something to stop it. If we want to end with this problem we need to attack the source of the problem that is the education of people, we need to teach people that there are another ways to solve a problem and that nobody has the right of attack another person.

  5. indeed there are no efficient methods for protect the witness nor to protect the affected persons from violence, and we should really request this to change, not only the laws but also seek a good education within schools, and hight schools to respect others and their partners.

  6. Certainly in Costa Rica there are mechanisms to protect the family, but these methods are not efficient as we see daily in the news how ridiculous establishing protective measures against the perpetrators, are thrown in jail but the minute they left free, obviously can not put a cop 24 hours at home, however, is notoriously careless of the authorities to the allegations, and care and when the victim is killed or left with some physical / psychological, ie too late and without any record.

    How citizens what can we do? to support the attacked and denounce these acts if we are unaware of any, even though the aggressors through reprisals, oppose assistance. And of course to educate young people on this issue.

    Thanks for all comments!!
